Enhancing the disinfection of environmental surfaces has never been more important than now. Hydrogen Peroxide Vaporization (HP+ Disinfection) penetrates crevices and porous surfaces while no harmful residuals other than oxygen and quickly evaporating water are left. Studies have shown that the efficacy of this process can reach and exceed 6 log microbe reduction in commonly associated HAI and MDRO’s. HP+ extends the disinfection process. In simple terms, HP+ Disinfection reaches places that other methods cannot with a very high rate of safety and sustainability. Healthcare environments that are well-suited to this HP+ Disinfection process include patient rooms, medical equipment, ambulances, and nursing homes. Unlike insurance that pays for your loss, preventative measures like HP+ services work to avoid it in the first place producing both clinical and financial cost savings.
Safer Than Ever
Staff and customer safety have never been more important for your business.
Restore Confidence
Our process and equipment disinfects what you can see and inside areas that we can’t.
Next Level Disinfection
Kills all types of pathogens with an efficacy reaching 99.9999% on all types of surfaces.
Convenient Scheduling
A free consultation will be performed in advance. Service is available on nights and weekends.
Hydrogen Peroxide Vaporization (also known as HP+ Disinfection) is the process of atomizing liquid hydrogen peroxide. In response to the need for a higher standard in our public and healthcare environments, our HP+ Disinfection service can be applied on almost any surface to safely eliminate the microbial presence of harmful germs. The process that we employ is targeted to eliminate infection risks and can disinfect equipment, rooms, work surfaces, common areas, and any other high-risk threat.
Why Use Hydrogen Peroxide?
Hydrogen peroxide is proven effective against a wide range of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi, and spores. Its germicidal effectiveness and safe application makes it one of the disinfectants recommended by the CDC. Its historical use is widespread in both the public and healthcare environments. It has been used to neutralize dangerous pathogens like the SARS virus and anthrax contaminations.
HP+ Is Ideal For:
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A hospital is a central hub for patient healthcare. Employing thousands of staff members who care for hundreds of outpatients and many more inpatients is complex. Keeping everyone safe is a more difficult challenge. For the compromised immune systems of your patients it is never acceptable to risk a Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI). For your staff who share this high-risk environment safety is paramount. A layered disinfection approach with regular schedules and an emergency recovery plan for potential exposures is now possible for hospitals.
Portable Medical Equipment (PME) is considered a shared asset; moving from room to room and from the last patient to next patient. The potential to accumulate dangerous microbes and pass them along with hand-transfers is not only possible, but probable. In addition to regular cleaning by your staff, these items can benefit from a full rejuvenation and HP+ Disinfection.
There is no more vulnerable opportunity for an infection to set hold than in an open wound site. The patient care volume and acuity of outpatient centers makes them a good choice for periodic HP+ Disinfection. Processing can be scheduled during downtimes like evenings or weekends.
The clean room environments of these specialized facilities require a method that does not leave any residual compounds. That is where HP+ Disinfection is unique and has a proven history of performance.
Nowhere is the resident population more vulnerable from infectious pathogens than in a nursing home. The communal living design and widely used porous surfaces found throughout provide challenges most suited to HP+ Disinfection. Wall and window treatments, carpet, and other fixtures can be disinfected to make a resident room or shared areas safe again. Family members and residents alike can rest assured when they see our seal of disinfection.
Drivers often share vehicles with others creating a likelihood of pathogen transmission. The nature of this tightly confined space increases the possibly of acquiring an infectious disease. The risk of harboring both contact and airborne pathogens within the fabrics and high-touch surfaces of a vehicle is high. HP+ Disinfection is effective on non-porous surfaces like these and most effective in confined spaces like vehicles.
Places like fitness centers, salons, and other service locations experience high volumes of customers who come into close contact with one another. The physical proximity of many of these services creates a higher safety concern to the public. HP+ Disinfection can mitigate the concern for facilities that have been regularly treated and restore your customers’ trust.
Restarting the food industry will require extra precautions to regain the confidence of the market. Creating a kitchen-to-table disinfection program will help assure customers that their choice of where they dine is a safe one. HP+ Disinfection can be combined with our full cleaning services to meet this demand. Your customers will feel assured when they see our seal of completion.
Whole room disinfection starts with your hospitality team and ends with HP+ Disinfection services that are geared to ensure 100% coverage including non-porous surfaces. There was a time when a clean bed set made all the difference to a guest and helped them make their decision on where to stay. A commitment to our HP+ service is an extension of your commitment to making their visit safe as they make choices in the market.
Get HP+ Certified!
The HP+ seal demonstrates your commitment to safety. Your staff and customers will know that your facilities have been thoroughly disinfected as an extra precaution. We certify that all surfaces are treated with a safe disinfectant including difficult items like carpets, draperies, furniture, and equipment.